Home » » Botok


Posted by Simple Food on Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ingredient :

 Kepok 10 pieces of  banana peel
 Young coconut 1/4 point
 200 grams of rice fresh anchovies
 Chicken eggs 2 eggs, beaten
 Banana leaves to taste Spices that
 6 cloves garlic
 6 pieces of red pepper, seeded
 Salt to taste
 Sugar to taste
 Shrimp paste 1/2 tsp

 How to make  Botok:

 Boil until cooked banana peel, and chopped up.
 Mix the grated coconut, spices, banana peels and egg. Stir well.
 Take one banana leaves, fill with 2 tablespoons of batter. Wrap the form of piles, with a stick pin.
 Heat the pan steamer, steam the dough until cooked, remove from heat and serve.


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